
The source code of this project and the Metafonts are licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL). This means you can use and extend the source code, as long as you distribute the source code freely under the same license. This license also allows for commercial use.

All outline-based fonts (webfonts or OTF) that are generated with this project are licensed under the SIL Open Font License v1.1 (OFL). This means that you can freely use and extend the fonts and also use them commercially. Any derivative work has to be made freely available under the same license.

All designs of this website and any material published, including the metafont showcases and all texts on it are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. This means that you can use all images and texts and create your own work based on them, as long as you credit us for the original creation.

Copyright © 2012–2025 by Metaflop.


Alexis Reigel (*1980) is a co-founder and developer of Metaflop. He is a software developer and has his main focus on web applications. He contributes in his spare time to several free and open source projects and organizes the regularly occurring Pantalks at Colab Zurich.

Marco Müller (*1979) is the co-founder and designer of Metaflop and several Metafonts. He is an independent graphic designer, typographer and art director with focus on books and editorial design.

Many thanks to Simon Egli and Linus Romer for the fundamental contributions to this project.